
Howbury School Lagos

October 2021 Newsletter

October had us engaging on a number of platforms to reinforce and enrich pupils' learning.  

Here are highlights from October:


Space Week: from October 4th to 10th, Howbury School joined the rest of the world to celebrate Space Week which is an international celebration of science and technology and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition. The theme for this year's celebration is "Women in science" 


Project Based Learning (lunar escape, the earth and the moon system) debates, Code a mars, Ted talk are some of the activities that featured within the week. At the end of these activities, pupils had a better understanding of how science can be used to better the human condition.

BOOK READING: On October 14th, we had a virtual book read by Mrs. Tonye FALOUGHI the author of Ugo and SimSim

The story is woven around Down syndrome and how to deal with persons living with the condition. It highlights how to interact with them, educate them and support them to reach  their full potential. Apart from the insights gained on Downs Syndrome, this book reading reinforced one of the school pillars which is empathy.


Parent Education Program (PEP): on October 16th, Howbury parents were hosted to the termly Parents Education Program which focussed on Growth Mindset.  
PEP is a platform where parents  discuss with professional educators on the academic and social development processes of their children and how best to handle issues arising. 

Our guests; Mrs. Simone Arthur, a Trinidad and Tobago born and bred entrepreneur who has specialised in the field of International Development at the Open University, UK and a board member of Howbury Tech and Mr. Femi Martins, a development sector professional and a proud Howbury parent of many years, shared their perspectives on this all important subject. 

Making reference to personal experiences, our speakers highlighted steps towards building a Growth Mindset, they are:

*Recognize, reward the little steps taken by children
*Praise the process, not just the outcome
*Model a Growth Mindset for all occasions; there is always room for improvement. It begins with a positive mindset.
*Acquire new skills and competences to model to your children that your brain can stretch.

*Set visions with your children, build objectives and work out strategies to achieve them

Parent Education Program October 16th, 2021

Academic Evaluation: feedback in education helps to keep learners on track; they understand their position relative to the set goals. In the past week, we welcomed parents to the half term Academic Evaluation. Parents and educators engaged in conversations about the academic and overall performance of their children with the view of achieving set goals. We appreciate all parents who made time to attend.




The online classroom is as alive as the physical classroom. Kindly ensure your ward keeps abreast of the learning activities ongoing.


Key Dates To Note

Friday December 3rd: Preschool Christmas Showcase

Monday December 13th:Howbury Tech (Secondary) Christmas Showcase

Wednesday December 15th:  Primary Christmas Showcase

Wednesday December 15th: End of term (school closes)

Thursday and Friday, December 16th and 17th: End of Term Academic Evaluation.


As the year gradually grinds to a halt, let's remain upbeat on all fronts, against all obvious odds.

Take care of your physical, mental, financial and emotional wellbeing for it is in doing so that you remain healthy and able to support your child's learning.


Thank you

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